Public Speaking
Wu, R. (2020, February). What is emotional self-regulation and how do we do it? [Mandarin and English]. Presentation at Pathways Clubhouse and New West Public Library.
Wu, R. (2019, February). How to become mental health ambassadors [Mandarin and English]. Presentation at Richmond Public Library.
Wu, R., & Doucet, D. (2018, July). Microaggressions or victimhood culture? Workshop presented at Adler University, Vancouver, Canada.
Wu, R. (2018, May). How to become mental health ambassadors [Mandarin]. Panel session presented at the Mental Health Forum, Richmond, BC, Canada.
Wu, R. (2018, April). How to become mental health ambassadors [Mandarin]. Seminar presented at the Community Mental Wellness Association of Canada, Richmond, BC, Canada.
Wu, R. & Vezina, M. (2018, January). Allyship: A verb, not a noun. Roundtable discussion at the Adler University’s 2018 Social Justice Retreat.
Wu, R. (2017, July). A narrative inquiry into the lived experiences of Chinese-White heterosexual couples within a Canadian context. Paper presented at the Multicultural Symposium at Adler University, Vancouver, Canada.
Sandhu, V. & Wu, R. (2017, January). “Am I the oppressor?” Exploring strategies to decolonize graduate psychology education. Roundtable discussion at the National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Portland, USA.
Wu, R. (2016, November). How to become mental health ambassadors [Mandarin]. Seminar presented at the Community Mental Wellness Association of Canada, Richmond, BC, Canada.
Moodley, R., Marguerite, R. S., Wu, R., & Gielen, U. P. (2015). Therapy without borders: International and cross-cultural case studies handbook. USA: American Counseling Association.
Wu, R. (2013, November). A narrative inquiry into the lived experiences of Chinese-White heterosexual couples within a Canadian context. Paper presented at the Mixed Race, Multi-Ethnic, and Multicultural Relationships Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Wu, R. (2012, October). Cross-cultural competency. Workshop presented at SFU’s Health and Counselling Services, Burnaby, BC, Canada.
Wu, R., Wheatley, T., & Demerson, V. (2011, June). Three women’s voices in relation to mixed race intimate relationships. In M. Ocampo, Metissage, Mestizaje, Mixed “Race” and Beyond. Symposium conducted at the 6th Critical Multicultural Counselling and Psychotherapy Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Wu, R. (2009, Aug.). A father-daughter dialogue on the healing effects of Chinese fortune telling. Paper presented at the 5th Critical Multicultural Counselling and Psychotherapy Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Hannoud, D. A., Clelland, D., & Wu. R. (2022). Arab first-generation immigrants’ wishes and attitudes toward marital counseling in Canada. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 34(1-2), 153-177.
Wu, R. , & Weiser, J. (2020). Growing up with a concealable stigmatized identity within a world of ‘automatic’ white privilege. BC Psychologist, Winter 2020 ed.
Wu, R. (2020). Allyship in the time of Coronavirus: Resistance to the new Yellow Peril. BC Psychologist, Summer 2020 ed.
Amouyal, M. A. Z., Wu, R., & Patterson, P. (2020). Woven Voices: Recommendations for Counsellors Working with Professional Interpreters. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 54(1), 50-70.
Moodley, R., Marguerite, R. S., Wu, R., & Gielen, U. P. (2015). International counseling: Case studies handbook. USA: American Counseling Association.
Moodley, R., Gielen, U. P., & Wu, R. (Eds.) (2012). Handbook of counseling and psychotherapy in an international context. New York: Routledge.